Flame me!
1- The first strip ever!  Look at the amazing art!  The wonderful inking! Uh...how about the expert scanning?  Well...at least the joke...  I'm depressed now, and must move on. -Moose-

2- It's really amazing how many people Sony has fooled.  I was debating graphic power of GCN vs PS2 with Tofu, and he kept insisting that the PS2 can push ten times as many polygons as the Cube.  Of course, he didn't bother to read the fine print telling him that Sony's figures do not take into account any gameplay factors, like textures, AI, etc.  Don't believe everything you read.

On the note of artistry, this really makes no sense.  Leroy suddenly appears to the left of Al in the third panel.  Al with glasses in the first panel is deliberate - in fact, in real life, I do wear glasses.  I'm still learning the ropes with this one. -Moose-

3- This one turned out great (I think).  The art is fine, and the joke is funny whether you have read "Fresh From the Ice Box" or not. It's a reference to Philip's title to an Ice Box strip that featured Bridget in a two-piece.  I'm also experimenting with format.  I feel pretty free to do whatever I 
want in "Alces", but I generally stick with a three-panel strip.  Two panels turned out nicely for this one. -Moose-

4- Another good one, I particularly like the shots of Al with his nose in the air.  This is the first strip with Harry.  He's really has no purpose in the strip, but he was urging me to draw him in.  I came up with his head on the 
fly...I'm still sure that if I thought about it, I could come up with something better.

I like to sing spontaneously...this particular incident was in the library.  And anyway, how can we be sure this song really isn't about "getting higher" (wink wink, nudge nudge) -Moose-

5- Brit took flak for weeks following this incident.  Yes, he really did build an unholy temple on a church retreat.  Yes, the cross really did fall and break.  And no, they didn't get the hint.

I really don't know where Brit's head came from.  Something with knights?  In Britain?  I don't know.  It's fun to draw though. -Moose-

6- Killpokemon.com isn't a very good site, but it suited the strip.  The actual site we were on was antipokemon.com, which is only a bit better.  And I don't think you ever actually shot Pikachu, just dissected him, revealing that his insides were all poop.  It was a very stupid site, but it served well for the basis of a comic that I think is one of the stronger ones. -Moose

7-  Mmm...full page.  I thought about coloring this one, but then I remembered all the maps I colored for World Civ.  I wisely chickened out.  The strip was a pain to draw and ink - it's just two guys at a table, and mostly dialogue.  Bor-ing.

This is just a look into the kind of conversations I have with friends.  Total weirdness. -Moose-

8- Leroy popping in at the bottom just seems wrong in hindsight, but I needed someone to say a clarifying punchline.  Maybe I worry too much. Tofu is a much better artist than I am, but he's obsessed with drawing swords, dragons, Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and various other animes.  Too bad...swords are cool though.-Moose-

9- Leroy loves Diet Coke.  Actually, Leroy loves all soda.  We're looking in to rehab centers. -Moose-

10- Betcha George W. couldn't say exconnumicatation.  What a fun word!

Don't worry, Harry hasn't been truly kicked out of the Posse.  We like to say so though.

Oh yeah, I really do know what excommunication means, but Leroy just set me up on that one...it was too good. -Moose-

11- I swear, PS2 geeks have no class.  I discovered a cluster of them around a computer, watching a demo video of TimeSplitters.  They marveled at how you could shoot off a guy's head, particularly about how the head was round!  Those poor, sad, fools.

After this strip was posted, I discovered on IGN Cube that the particular video of RSII shown on the computer is actually FMV.  Drat.  I still think it looks better than the movie. -Moose-

12- He he.  Candi was fun to draw.....
What?!  At least I didn't do her in a bikini! -Moose-

13- This began as a strip about a pregnant teacher, but it just wasn't funny.  I really liked how the drawings went - they really seemed natural.  So I transferred it.  Heh heh.  Leroy still hasn't asked her out.  He claims there's some problem that Nicole wants kept secret.  Whatever. -Moose-

14- People who burn commercial games just PISS ME OFF!  Sorry...had to say it. If people are burning games and CDs, how are artists and programmers and everybody else going to earn a living?  It seems to me that if you like the artist, you should show your appreciation by paying for your stuff, and if you don't like them, then what are you doing with the CD?  I have now stopped calling burned CDs illegal - their new title is "immoral". -Moose-

15- Apathy is the greatest problem facing the world today. -Moose-
Second would have to be Sheryl Crow. -H-

16- "Zark off" is a phrase from Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Trilogy. Use it with zeal. -Moose

17- One of the few strips not to be based on my real life.

If you don't really get the joke, I thank you for perusing the archives of "Alces" before the ones of "Ice Box", "B&Ws World", and others.  Go read them. -Moose-

18- Another one of my catchphrases!

OOOH!  Look at that couch!  I must dance now!  I'm the MAN!  Look at th' art gettin' BET-TA!  Look at the EXCLAMATION POINTS in my COMMENT! - Moose

19- The beginning of a terrifying foray into the realm of...Al and Leroy's creative genius!

That's Peterson up front.  In fact, there were four of us working on The Movie...but drawing four guys is a pain in the butt.  Props to Gleason for helpin' us out. -Moose-

20- Our Civil War film is funny...if you think Lego guys getting blown up is funny.

"Commando John Wilkes Booth" is funny.  We did a scene where Lincoln gets shot, and Booth leaps from the box and commando-rolls on the stage before taking off.  It's great.  You have to see it. -Moose-

21- Okay, I cheated.  I copied the Lego guys from the first panel.  Do you know how hard it is to draw Lego guys?  Don't answer that.

He he...I like my trick with the speech bubble.  We go a laugh when this really happened, but I was worried about how it could turn out in a strip. I like it! -Moose-

22- A smiley face block in the Lego set of a concentration camp bunker?  Naturally funny. -Moose-

23- Look at that art!  I SCORE!

Leroy worked hard on that video cover...mostly because he wanted to make sure my brother (Gonzo), didn't write over the tape like he did with the Civil War video.  Too bad he used markers from the start.

Heartwarming?! -Moose-

24- "Gladiator" has great music.  And now, so does our holocaust video.  Heh heh.

Our video was pretty awful.  I think our teacher gave us a pity grade.  The class spent most of the period laughing.  That'll teach me to try and make a serious film. -Moose-

25- Whoever cancelled "Liberty Meadows" from my newspaper should be shot.

My paper's pretty good about getting a variety of excellent cartoons.  If you name a favorite, it's a good chance my paper has it.  However, how they could possibly cancel "Liberty Meadows" (and replace it with the abysmal "Get Fuzzy") when they run "Marmaduke" is beyond me...

What's really sad is that the Marmaduke cartoon in the strip is a recreation of the one that was printed the day they canceled Liberty Meadows. -Moose-

26- I like the layout on this one...and look!  Check out how those legs fit the bus seats!  Score.

No, we did not bet money on whether Leroy would make the bus or not, but I did give Harry and Brit some odds... -Moose-

27- The story behind the "five" parody banner.  I would have done an "RPG World" one, but alas, I know not how to make animated gifs.  And besides, the "five" one really lends itself well to parody. -Moose-
I guess he must've learned before he did the "Okashina Okashi" parody banner. -H

28- Good idea, bad execution.  My original plan was to do a series of "Leroy's church" strips (his church is more consistently weird than Brit's), but I lost interest and ideas.  Maybe later. -Moose-

29- Again, good idea, poor execution.  The layout is nice, but I just didn't have enough funny things for people to say.  This would have been better as a reaction in a later strip to something stupid somebody says.  Oh well...

Tofu's fun to pick on.. -Moose-

30- This is funnier if you try it yourself.  Just get a bunch of friends together and refer to yourselves as The One.  It's hilarious...really. -Moose

31- See #30 for subject comments.

However, I have a lot to say art-wise.  First, I'm pretty proud of that first panel.  I fit in all three members of "The One" and managed to keep them distinguished.  The second panel is wrong.  Al should be a LOT lower and there should be a LOT more text on top.  It would really help the joke.  In the last panel, I really like Leroy's expression, but I hate those legs under the table and Al's antlers. -Moose

32- I hope everyone else has noticed how you'll pass a "Men Working" sign and see...no men working.  Because otherwise you wouldn't get the joke.  Yep, yep. 

The first panel is nicely done...I particularly like the backhoe.  The road is kinda screwy though.  The last panel is cool too. -Moose

33- The only thing I really have to say on this one is that I should have just had Gonzo (yep, those are Gonzo's eyes) say "Blah, blah, blah"  The actual dialogue is distracting. -Moose

34- Yes, that's Pig from Jackie's Fridge down in the corner.  He's evil.  He will swallow your SOUL!!  That is all.

And oh yes, apparently, I forgot to erase my pencil lines on this one. -Moose
At least it's not Catball. HAAAAAAAATE! -H

35- There's something wrong with this one, but I can't put my finger on it.  The timing in the joke just seems wrong.  Or maybe it's that you really need to know the commercial to get the joke.  Oh, well.

The art is good on this one...the 3/4 perspective is nice, but I should have shown more of the TV. -Moose

36- I got the timing on the joke about perfect, I think, and I really like the additional bit of dialogue from the commercial itself.  The speech bubbles are a little funky though.

The art is good too, except the middle guy's arm hanging over the bed - I forgot to erase the edge of the bed.  Whoops!  He must have "magical powers" -Moose

37- Not much to say on this one.  The joke is good...nice pop-culture reference, and for some reason, I think it would be funny even if you didn't hear Creed songs on the radio ALL THE FRICKEN' TIME!  They're just that kind of band. (They're not as bad as Sheryl Crow. -H)

The art is really good (for me) on this one.  I really like the second panel, and I did well on the first too. -Moose


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